About CPAI

Community Psychology Association of India came into existence at the UGC Advanced Level Summer Institute on New Directions in Applied Psychology organized at the Department of Psychology, Lucknow University in August 1987. Psychologists from different parts of the country participated in the course. The salient aspects of community psychology were discussed and for further advancement in research activities, it was felt that community psychologists should have a forum of their own so that they may sit together and discuss various aspects of community psychology. An Association named as Indian Association of Community Psychology was formed. Later at the time of registration the name was changed as ' Community Psychology Association of India'. The Association was registered under Societies Registration Act, 21, 1860.


Brief Account of Activities of Association:

The Association started publication of a Newsletter to transmit information regarding various issues, techniques, and application of community Psychology. The following seminars, symposia and conferences were organized under auspices of Association:


(i) First Symposium on Community Psychology :

Under the auspices of Association and with the financial assistance from University Grants Commission, First National  Symposium on Community Psychology was organized at the Postgraduate Department of Psychology, Buddha Postgraduate College Kushinagar on March 16-18,1990. About 40 psychologists from U.P., Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat, M.P., Delhi. Haryana, Orissa participated in the symposium. The major topics discussed in the symposium were conceptual and methodological issues of community psychology, social tension, crime, delinquency, violence, community mental health, drug abuse, population etc.

(ii) First Biennial Conference of Association.

First Biennial Conference of the Association was organized at P.P.N.College Kanpur on September 27 & 28, 1992. Psychologists from different parts of the country participated in the conference. The themes of the conference were- basic concepts and models of community psychology, identification and analysis of community problems, specific community problems, intervention strategies and action programmes.

(iii) National Seminar on Social Disintegration :

A national seminar on social disintegration: present scenario was jointly organized by the Association and Gulab Devi Girls Degree College, Ballia on November 27 & 28, 1994. About 50 participants from different states of the country with different disciplines participated in the seminar.


(iv) Second Biennial Conference of Association:

Second Biennial Conference of Association was organized at K.S.Saket P.G.College Ayodhya ,Faizabad on April 13-15, 1995. About 100 psychologists from 18 universities of the country participated in the conference. In the conference emphasis was on adoption of intervention strategies for solving community problems. It was stressed that community psychologists should function as social change agent.


(v) Third Biennial Conference of Association :

The Third Biennial Conference of Association was organised at Sri Agrasen Kanya Postgraduate College Varanasi from April 12-13, 1998. About two hundred psychologists from different universities and colleges participated in the conference. In this conference the emphasis was done on the action part of psychologists. It was resolved that psychologists should go in the community with intervention programmes. Community Awareness building was considered as the most important activity of psychologists.


(vi) National Seminar on Community Psychology :

A National Seminar was organised at A.P.S.University Rewa (M.P.) in March 1999. An Interdisciplinary Conference of Association on social problem issues was planned. It was resolved to bring out a Journal named' Indian Journal of Community Psychology' and to publish  proceedings of previous conferences in the form of  a monograph.


(vii) National Seminar on Criminal Justice System :

Under auspices of Association a National Seminar on Criminal Justice System was organised at Buddha Postgraduate College, Kushinagar on May 7-8, 2000. In this seminar delegates from all over the country participated. About 100 participants from different states discussed on anomalies in judicial system.


(viii)Fourth Biennial Conference of Association :

The Fourth Bieenial Conference of Association was held at Dr. H.S.Gaur University, Sagar on February 14-15, 2002.About more than one hundred delegates participated in the conference. New Executive committee was formed during the conference.


(ix) National Conference of Community Psychology Association of India :

A national conference of association was organised under auspices of university department of psychology, B.R.A. Bihar University, Muzzaffarpur (Bihar) on March, 16-17, 2002. A large number of psychologists from different corners of the country participated in the conference.The focal theme of the conference was ‘ The emerging Psycho-Social Problems and Intervention’.


(x)Fifth Biennial Conference of Association :

Fifth Biennial Conference of Association was organized under auspices of Department of Psychology, Calicut University, Calicut on 21-22 November 2004.A large number of participants  from all over country participated in the program. The focus was given on participation of psychologists in health promotion programs.

(xi) Sixth Biennial Conference of Association:

Sixth Biennial Conference of Association was organized at Vallabh Vidya Nagar under auspices of Department of Psychology, Sardar Patel University from 20—21 January 2006. A large number of delegates from different parts of the country participated. New executive committee was formed during the conference.

(xii) National Conference of Association :

A National Conference of Association was organized at Nasik on 3rd & 4th Feb. 2007 under auspices of Department of Psychology, L.V.Hiray College. A good number of delegates from different universities and colleges attended the conference.

(xiii)National Conference of Association :

A National Conference of Association was organized at Jodhpur on  20th & 21st December 2008 under auspices of Department of Psychology, J.N.Vyas University. In the conference a large number of  delegates from different universities and colleges attended the conference.

(xiv) National Conference of Association:

A national conference of association was hosted by Department of Psychology, Magadh University, Bodh Gaya on 29th & 30th March 2009. In the  conference delegates from different parts of the country participated.


(xv) International Conference on Counselling and Community Psychology:

International conference on counseling and community psychology was organized from 17-19, December 2011 at Department of Applied Psychology, V.B.S.Purvanchal University, Jaunpur. The focal theme of the conference was promoting counseling and community psychology in India. 19 delegates from USA and Canada participated in the conference. Representatives from different universities and colleges  of the country attended the conference. The conference was inaugurated by President of American Counselling Association Dr. Bradley Erford.


(xvi) Participation in  a NGO Workshop on “ Women’s Perspectives in Population and Reproductive Health :


The organisation was invited to participate in a NGO workshop on Women’s Perspectives in Population and Reproductive Health organised by Family Planning Association of India, Bombay at Delhi on  27-29 April, 1993. Leading 125 NGOs from all over country participated in the workshop . Some basic propositions emphasized in the conference were : Gender equality, raising the status of women, reproductive health is an important  and productive aspect , Family planning a responsibility  of both men and women, the availability and quality of services must be improved.


(xvii) Professor Rajnarain Memorial Lecture :

Professor Rajnarain was instrumental in the inception, organization and development of the CPAI. First lecture was delivered by Late  Prof. T.S.Dhapola, Kashi Vidyapeeth Varanasi at Second Biennial Conference of Association organized at K.S.Saket P.G.College Ayodhya ,Faizabad on April 13-15, 1995. Prof. L.I.Bhusan, Bihar Yoga Bharti Munger delivered second lecture at third biennial conference at Agrasen P.G.College Varanasi from April 12-13, 1998. Third memorial lecture was delivered by Prof. Y.S.Vagrecha, Sagar University at fourth biennial conference at Sagar on February 14-15, 2002. Fourth memorial lecturer was delivered by Prof. Mukta Rani Rastogi, Universityof Lucknow during the fifth Biennial conference of association at Calicut University on 21-22 November 2004. Dr. N.K.Saksena, P.P.N. College Kanpur delivered fifth memorial lecture during sixth Biennial Conference at Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar on 21st January 2006.


(xviii)Young Psychologist Award :

Dr.(Mrs.) Vijaya Srivastava and Dr. (Mrs.) Rekha Bakshi (Sagar) donated Rs. 11000/- for the Young Psychologist Award in the sacred memory of their beloved mother Yasoda Devi Srivastava. The award will be given to the best paper presentation during the conferences of Community Psychology Association of India in the field of community intervention practices.


(xix) CPAI Bulletin

Association started publishing A Bulletin for information dissemination .Its aim is to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of community issues. The popular articles related with community issues, proceedings of conferences and seminars, community intervention programmes by CPAI members, important news in the field of psychology, and forthcoming national and international conferences and seminars.


(xx) : Indian Journal of Community Psychology :

It is an official publication of the Association. The first issue of the journal was published in Jan. 2004. The articles of eminent scholars of the field have been published in the journal. Contribution of articles and papers are invited on all aspects of  community issues including the psycho-social aspects of mental and physical health, addictions, stress, AIDS, crime, police and Legal processes in the community, delinquency, family problems, domestic violence, voluntary community action, problems of  women, child and elderly. Journal has got ISSN number and is registered with Registrar News Papers of India. Journal is being published regularly and the recent volume -  March 2018 is in hand.

(xxi) Silver Jubilee Conference of Association :

Silver Jubilee Conference of Association was organized at Lucknow under auspices of Department of Psychology, Lucknow University, the place of origin of Association. The conference was held on 19th & 20th December 2014. Focal theme of the conference was Role of Community Psychology in creating community wellbeingSub themes of the conference were : Community psychology; A shift in perspective; Core values in community psychology: individual and family wellness. Sense of community, respect for human diversity,            social justice, citizen participation, collaboration and community strength and empirical grounding. Understanding human diversity- culture, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class, socio-economic status, ability disability, age, localities, spirituality, and religion intersectionality; Disease prevention and health promotion: current and future strategies; Promoting community and social changes- social actions, community development, community coalitions, organizational consultation, alternative settings, policy research and advocacy, community wellbeing and community empowerment. A new Executive Committee was formed during the conference

(xxii) Seventh Biennial Conference:

Seventh Biennial Conference was organized under auspices of Department of Psychology, Pandit Sunder Lal Sharma Chhatisgarh (Open) University Bilaspur on 4-5, March 2019. The focal theme of the conference was ‘Community Counselling for Health Promotion and Well-being’ The sub-themes were : life style management of diabetic, cardiac and cancer, HIV patients and their care givers; Community Mental Health,Stress Management and well-being, Community counseling for drug abuse and alcoholism among adolescents, Community counseling for mental health problems among adolescents, gender sensitization, gender equity and gender justice,Geriatric Health,Yoga and Meditation, Positive Parenting, Adolescents’ Mental Health Problems. Delegate from all over country participated.

(xxiii). International Conference on Community Psychology : International Conference on Community Psychology is being organized under auspices of Department of Psychology, St. Wilfred’’s P.G.College, Jaipur on 31st Ja. & 1st Feb.2020. The focal theme of the conference is “ Applications of Community Psychology in Indian Perspective. The subthemes are : gender sensitization, gender violence, gender equality, substance abuse in adolescents, suicide prevention, positive parenting, community counseling challenges for prevention, community intervention to minimize elder abuse and neglect, counseling programs in educational institutions, teacher education for community. International delegates from Tokyo, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, Bangladesh, Nepal are participating. Some delegates from USA are also expected to participate. Delegates from different universities and colleges from different corners of the country have sent their consent for participation.